StrideCorp Equity Partners has developed a proprietary SIV investment product that offers SIV investors a “one stop shop” SIV investment solution.
StrideCorp will manage the entire SIV process – from the application for the SIV, through to the investment selection and investment management.

The Stride SIV Funds aim to accommodate all mandatory and balancing investments required to satisfy the Complying Investment Framework for SIVs on behalf of SIV Investors under a single management arrangement with Stride.

The Stride Opportunity Fund, LP is a venture capital and growth private equity fund, established to invest in growing Australian businesses that qualify as eligible investments under the rules that govern venture capital limited partnerships. The Opportunity Fund aims to provide investors with returns through income and capital growth on its investments.

The Stride Emerging Companies Fund is a fund of funds, investing either directly or indirectly, in Australian listed companies that meet the Complying Investment Framework.

Stride currently invests the capital raised within the Emerging Fund within the UBS Australian Small Companies SIV Fund.

The Stride Bond Fund is a wholesale Australian bond fund, seeking to provide:

  • A steady and reliable income stream
  • Capital protection over the medium to long term.

The Bond Fund offers SIV Investors the opportunity to gain a defensive investment in Australia. The Bond Fund invests predominantly in high quality corporate bonds holding at least investment grade credit ratings, issued by ratings house Standard & Poors.

These are mainly issued by the big four banks:

  • Australia New Zealand Banking Group
  • Westpac Bank
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • National Bank of Australia

The Stride Balancing Property and Equities Fund is a fund of funds investing either directly or indirectly, in real estate investment trusts, property and other securities listed on the ASX, as well as Australian direct property.

The Manager currently invests the capital raised within the Balancing Fund predominantly alongside two independent property fund managers – AMP Capital and APN Funds Management.

Additional information about the Stride Australia SIV Funds can be found in the Stride Australia SIV Funds Product Placement Memorandum, which can be provided upon request to the Manager.